SO EXCITED! SO EXCITED! FIFTEEN DAYS TO GO! And a big thank you to those of you who have been praying about the ticket situation, but you can stop now. For they are now in hand! And boldly proclaim that I shall depart from SFO on United flight 837 on May 30 at 11:23 in the A.M. bound for Narita airport in Tokyo Japan ^_^. And that I shall make my return trip on United flight 838 at 4:05 P.M. on August 17. I have always had a fondness for tickets of all kinds, but I think these are especially beautiful. Especially that one word, Tokyo :D! I swear, I woke up this morning and on my first waking breath I was almost positive that I smelled the beautiful aroma of a Japanese breeze accented with the smell of the fountain in the park next to the chruch in Machida. Don't know what that means, but I think it is a good sign ^_^. Anyway, just wanted to keep you all up to date. Even though there are only a few that actually read this blog with any regularity ;D. Goodbye for now. Oh, and I do plan to blog while I am there, so keep a eye out for it if you are interested in the happenings over there and my adventures ^_^! I sure there will be some. Being at God's disposal is rarly boring ;D.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
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