Hello and many greeting to you all.
I thank you for being patient for the coming of this letter. I haven't been able to really have some quality writing time in a while and am glad to finally be able to do so. Again, I am at a loss for words to describe the glories of God in the country of Japan. However, I want to tell you about a few things that happened since I spoke to you all last.
One exciting thing that happened this month was being able to go to a Japanese orphanage for the first time. A couple weeks ago about seven members of the church and I spent time in a Catholic orphanage about and hour away from here. We spent hours playing with the children, talking with them, and teaching them. It was truly an amazing time for me and for the people who went. Also, in speaking to the staff there, they were very interested in having us return. Keep us in your prayers about this. Jeremiah and I have talked about making this a monthly event for the congregation here. I think it is a great idea and a great way to reach out to the kids, so please be praying that this would all come together in God's timing and in God's way and that it would be a blessing to all involved.
This was also the month which marks the start of our Shine Kids Program over in Setagaya. While we have been running the Shine Kids Winter Semester since last month here in Machida, I really felt lead to start another Shine Kids Class in our sister church in Setagaya. So, I prepared all the materials and started on the friday of last week. To my surprise, the children that came to this new program were far younger than those that came to Machida. While the youngest here in Machida are of a kindergarten age, the children in Setagaya where all about three years old. But, with a few quick alterations and the grace of God, the class still went very well and both the children and the mothers had a really good time. It was not exactly how I pictured things working out, but then again I have really come to love God's beautiful little surprises. They make life so much richer. Please be praying that the school would continue to grow and flourish in God's time and by His will. And that He would use this contact with the families and children to bring more people into His saving Grace and love.
Also, there have been some new developements at the Homeless ministry in Yoyogi Park. Because of the current financial crisis, the numbers of homeless people have increased at a alarming rate. When I first arrived here, the Homeless ministry served about 100 people. In this last month alone, this number has tripled. Evertime I go to the homless ministry, I am seeing many new faces. And unfortunately, because of the large numbers of people, it is fairly difficult to find people you have talked with previously which is essential to the ministry, consistant contact. Naturally, I can see how God is using the current economy for good in that more people are having a chance to be exposed to the gospel. But I have a feeling we are going to have to change the way in which we minister to these men and women a bit in order to meet the need and feed hearts as well as stomachs. Please be praying for direction in this ministry.
I thank you for being patient for the coming of this letter. I haven't been able to really have some quality writing time in a while and am glad to finally be able to do so. Again, I am at a loss for words to describe the glories of God in the country of Japan. However, I want to tell you about a few things that happened since I spoke to you all last.
One exciting thing that happened this month was being able to go to a Japanese orphanage for the first time. A couple weeks ago about seven members of the church and I spent time in a Catholic orphanage about and hour away from here. We spent hours playing with the children, talking with them, and teaching them. It was truly an amazing time for me and for the people who went. Also, in speaking to the staff there, they were very interested in having us return. Keep us in your prayers about this. Jeremiah and I have talked about making this a monthly event for the congregation here. I think it is a great idea and a great way to reach out to the kids, so please be praying that this would all come together in God's timing and in God's way and that it would be a blessing to all involved.
This was also the month which marks the start of our Shine Kids Program over in Setagaya. While we have been running the Shine Kids Winter Semester since last month here in Machida, I really felt lead to start another Shine Kids Class in our sister church in Setagaya. So, I prepared all the materials and started on the friday of last week. To my surprise, the children that came to this new program were far younger than those that came to Machida. While the youngest here in Machida are of a kindergarten age, the children in Setagaya where all about three years old. But, with a few quick alterations and the grace of God, the class still went very well and both the children and the mothers had a really good time. It was not exactly how I pictured things working out, but then again I have really come to love God's beautiful little surprises. They make life so much richer. Please be praying that the school would continue to grow and flourish in God's time and by His will. And that He would use this contact with the families and children to bring more people into His saving Grace and love.
Also, there have been some new developements at the Homeless ministry in Yoyogi Park. Because of the current financial crisis, the numbers of homeless people have increased at a alarming rate. When I first arrived here, the Homeless ministry served about 100 people. In this last month alone, this number has tripled. Evertime I go to the homless ministry, I am seeing many new faces. And unfortunately, because of the large numbers of people, it is fairly difficult to find people you have talked with previously which is essential to the ministry, consistant contact. Naturally, I can see how God is using the current economy for good in that more people are having a chance to be exposed to the gospel. But I have a feeling we are going to have to change the way in which we minister to these men and women a bit in order to meet the need and feed hearts as well as stomachs. Please be praying for direction in this ministry.
Lastly, please be praying for the unsaved that attend church services and ministries. There are now serveral people who are coming to the English services here to practice there English. I have been blessed by being able to spend time with these people, talking with them, and being able to share the gospel with them. I have become good friends with most of them and love them very much. But please pray for wisdom and discernment in my relationships with them. With my love for them naturally comes also great concern and great passion for them to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus. But, indeed I must be careful that this passion does not turn into a zealousness that could damage what God is seeking to do through this relationship. I want to minister to them and indeed share the gospel with them, but with the loving patience that God has given to me. Please pray that God would continue to work in me this loving patience and of course please pray that these people would run to the arms of Jesus soon if not right now.
I love you all and miss you all and wish you were here with me. Please write me if you find you have the time. I would love to hear from you.
Yours lovingly in our merciful Lord,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
Yours lovingly in our merciful Lord,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
ReplyDeleteThis is Joey Stoll. Please email me so that we can get in email touch. My email address is the same as my blogger address, but @gmail.com.
-Joey Stoll