Hello my dear friends,
How have you all been? As for me, the last couple weeks have been quite eventful. Of course, the big earth quake happened that you've all been hearing so much about in the news. No, it didn't happen here, but about 120 miles from here in a prefecture that I have never been to before. Here we really didn't feel much of anything, and though there was some talk about it in the media, it quited down quickly enough. It is really hard to imagine from how people act here that there are so many people suffering only that far away. When earth quakes happen back home in california this bad, you here all about it all the time in the news media. Rescue efforts, damage totals, stories about the victims on a individual basis, etc. But here, nothing. I guess it just speaks to the emotional isolation in this country. People are packed so close together, that the people start to make up emotional walls to compensate for physical space. And when events like this happen, it is just absorbed by the population, like sound on a snowy day. But do know that christians are begining to move and to form relief teams. Please pray for them and the difference God will use them to make. This culture is a culture of kindesses, and as such random acts of kindness are really not much of a witness here. However, this type of action goes above and beyond the kindness of this culture, and as such could make a huge difference. In fact, I would be one of the ones going if it wasn't for the fact that I damaged my tail bone in a minor accident on the H.I.S international school camping trip and am going to have to be using crutches for a couple weeks. Then again, nothing happens apart from Gods will. There is mention of the nuclear power plant in that prefecture and a minor leak. Of course that information has been ping-ponging between extremes whether it is the spilling of four hundred barrels of contaminated water or just a minor fire. I don't know what to believe really. So all I can go with is what God has been telling me. What has been so wonderful about being out here is that God has never stopped speaking to me since I got here. Or more likely, I just started listening. It has been undescribably wonderful how much He has poured His Spirit out upon me and given me the power to do His will beyond my means. I have felt His hand on the things around me so much lately, that I really feel like I have actually taken my hands off the wheel of my life, and to quote John Reuben, "it feels so good to be out of control". We are the wind, my brothers and sisters ^_^. We are not held by the chains of this world anymore. Nor are we bound to it's rules. For our Master created all this by his own hands. Our Master came up with it of His own invention. Our Master deals in imposibilities ^_^. For Him, five loaves and two fish become a meal for five thousand families. If He has given us wings, allow Him to use them. And He will move in a way that will destroy the box you have put Him in, as He has done with me. By His Hand, He brought to me during street evangelism in Shinjuku three people who spoke English and gave me the words to share His glory. By His hand, He brought a intellectual of history, what I was for so long, to an outreach that He would use me to speak to her about what He had done for her that surpassed human knowledge. By His hand, a teenager named Jun was saved at Tokyo Horizon Chapel. By His Hand, I am in contact with a family of missionaries in Russia that feel lead by God to plant Churches here. And indeed, by His hand I was injured. And I am unworthy of the love He is showing me in this chastening. For the Lord loves whom he chastens, as a father chastens the child in whom he delights. Just as I am unworthy of all He has been using me for. But he continues to use me and the believers here through His mercy. This is my Master, in whom I am satisfied ^_^. Please pray for me in this my resolution. Pray for my pride which stumbles me. Please pray for the direction of my life, because I have alot of decisions to make in the coming months. And please pray for the outreach to the children that is goin to be happening next tuesday. I will be praying for you as well, my friends, my family, and my home church. Your support has meant the world to me in this endevor. I pray that God will continue to move in your lives as He has been and even more so ^_^.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
How have you all been? As for me, the last couple weeks have been quite eventful. Of course, the big earth quake happened that you've all been hearing so much about in the news. No, it didn't happen here, but about 120 miles from here in a prefecture that I have never been to before. Here we really didn't feel much of anything, and though there was some talk about it in the media, it quited down quickly enough. It is really hard to imagine from how people act here that there are so many people suffering only that far away. When earth quakes happen back home in california this bad, you here all about it all the time in the news media. Rescue efforts, damage totals, stories about the victims on a individual basis, etc. But here, nothing. I guess it just speaks to the emotional isolation in this country. People are packed so close together, that the people start to make up emotional walls to compensate for physical space. And when events like this happen, it is just absorbed by the population, like sound on a snowy day. But do know that christians are begining to move and to form relief teams. Please pray for them and the difference God will use them to make. This culture is a culture of kindesses, and as such random acts of kindness are really not much of a witness here. However, this type of action goes above and beyond the kindness of this culture, and as such could make a huge difference. In fact, I would be one of the ones going if it wasn't for the fact that I damaged my tail bone in a minor accident on the H.I.S international school camping trip and am going to have to be using crutches for a couple weeks. Then again, nothing happens apart from Gods will. There is mention of the nuclear power plant in that prefecture and a minor leak. Of course that information has been ping-ponging between extremes whether it is the spilling of four hundred barrels of contaminated water or just a minor fire. I don't know what to believe really. So all I can go with is what God has been telling me. What has been so wonderful about being out here is that God has never stopped speaking to me since I got here. Or more likely, I just started listening. It has been undescribably wonderful how much He has poured His Spirit out upon me and given me the power to do His will beyond my means. I have felt His hand on the things around me so much lately, that I really feel like I have actually taken my hands off the wheel of my life, and to quote John Reuben, "it feels so good to be out of control". We are the wind, my brothers and sisters ^_^. We are not held by the chains of this world anymore. Nor are we bound to it's rules. For our Master created all this by his own hands. Our Master came up with it of His own invention. Our Master deals in imposibilities ^_^. For Him, five loaves and two fish become a meal for five thousand families. If He has given us wings, allow Him to use them. And He will move in a way that will destroy the box you have put Him in, as He has done with me. By His Hand, He brought to me during street evangelism in Shinjuku three people who spoke English and gave me the words to share His glory. By His hand, He brought a intellectual of history, what I was for so long, to an outreach that He would use me to speak to her about what He had done for her that surpassed human knowledge. By His hand, a teenager named Jun was saved at Tokyo Horizon Chapel. By His Hand, I am in contact with a family of missionaries in Russia that feel lead by God to plant Churches here. And indeed, by His hand I was injured. And I am unworthy of the love He is showing me in this chastening. For the Lord loves whom he chastens, as a father chastens the child in whom he delights. Just as I am unworthy of all He has been using me for. But he continues to use me and the believers here through His mercy. This is my Master, in whom I am satisfied ^_^. Please pray for me in this my resolution. Pray for my pride which stumbles me. Please pray for the direction of my life, because I have alot of decisions to make in the coming months. And please pray for the outreach to the children that is goin to be happening next tuesday. I will be praying for you as well, my friends, my family, and my home church. Your support has meant the world to me in this endevor. I pray that God will continue to move in your lives as He has been and even more so ^_^.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
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