Hello dear friends ^_^!
This is Alex Robinson blogging live for the first time in tokyo :D! Like I said, there will be many blogs to follow and most will be posted or sent out on email on Saturdays, even though I am writing this one on Friday night as tomorrow has filled up quite nicely. Anyway, I have arrived safely. And even during the plane ride over, God blessed me with chances to witness. I have a wonderful feeling that God will provide me with many such opportunities during this trip, and pray fervantly (as I ask you to do as well) that there will be many. Anyway, I got to Jeremiah's house (my mentor and fellow servant for this trip) fairly early and got a good nights rest. So good, in fact, that I am now suffering from absolutely no jet lag ^_~. Which is a blessing because I doubt I could have made it through the day if I had such a handicap. Yes, quite a full day indeed. I got to spend time with the international school here at Tokyo Horizon Chapel and was able to meet many of the students I will be teaching. The international school is a private christian school that was started by the church I am serving at. In it, students are able to learn about there regular subjects, but also can learn about God which is something denied them by regular schooling and even almost all private schools. I am so excited that I will be able to work in this area so much this trip. It is deffinately service close to my hear. Also, I was allowed to teach a few classes and help out with P.E. I have found the younger children to be very much like the third grade sunday school I taught back home. Very engetic, but also very perceptive. However, their energy level is a bit higher than Calvary Chapel Sonora kids and instead of being able to work with that energy through dialog, the children chatter in a totally different language which means I can only fight against it, something that is very difficult for me and by and large uneffective. But still, I have high hopes for these kids and look forward to working with them further and understanding them. Also, the older kids were a joy to work with today, so the day really had a silver lining. Then again, to say it had a silver lining inferes the mainstay of the day was cloudy, and that just isn't so. Working with all the kids was wonderful. So if anything, the silver had a cloudy lining ^_^. I also talked with Jeremiah about my schedule. This is were I need alot of prayer. You see, even though there are some outreaches planned like the trip to surrounding chruches and having outreaches and evangelism in those areas (Please pray that goes well by the way), Most of my time for outreach is fairly open ended. Meaning that it is not planned. We know that we want to reach out to the city through english classes and camps, both to the young and old, but are still not really sure how exactly it is all going to work and where the our best opportunities are in reality. And what about other kinds of outreach and evangelism? So I also ask that you please pray for insight in this area. That we would see the needs and fill them. That God would speak to us powerfully about the English classes and about everything else. And that we would be able to use our time to its fullest potential. And the very last thing I would ask you all to pray about is the language barrier which, as always, is very apparent to me. Even though I am learning by leaps and bounds, just within today, I still find myself so utterly lost in the conversation of those around me and with the children. Please pray for a supernatural learning for me and an understanding beyond my years. Our Lord is good. And watches carefully over His children ^_^.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
P.S. On a lighter note, I found serveral very funny examples of Ingrish today. For those of you who don't know, Ingrish is a code word for a Japanese use of English for the sake of style on billboards and shop sign, but the English doesn't quite look right to a native speaker or doesn't make any sense at all ^_^. Take, for example, a hair salon I ran into today that proudly proclaimed its name "FACE HAIR"! Probably a misunderstanding of the difference between the words of face and head or maybe even it meant to say your hair will compliment your face, but funny none the less ^_^. Or the shop "GOOD SAND" which I found didn't sell sand at all but sushi. I don't think Ingrish will ever cease to amuse me ;D.
This is Alex Robinson blogging live for the first time in tokyo :D! Like I said, there will be many blogs to follow and most will be posted or sent out on email on Saturdays, even though I am writing this one on Friday night as tomorrow has filled up quite nicely. Anyway, I have arrived safely. And even during the plane ride over, God blessed me with chances to witness. I have a wonderful feeling that God will provide me with many such opportunities during this trip, and pray fervantly (as I ask you to do as well) that there will be many. Anyway, I got to Jeremiah's house (my mentor and fellow servant for this trip) fairly early and got a good nights rest. So good, in fact, that I am now suffering from absolutely no jet lag ^_~. Which is a blessing because I doubt I could have made it through the day if I had such a handicap. Yes, quite a full day indeed. I got to spend time with the international school here at Tokyo Horizon Chapel and was able to meet many of the students I will be teaching. The international school is a private christian school that was started by the church I am serving at. In it, students are able to learn about there regular subjects, but also can learn about God which is something denied them by regular schooling and even almost all private schools. I am so excited that I will be able to work in this area so much this trip. It is deffinately service close to my hear. Also, I was allowed to teach a few classes and help out with P.E. I have found the younger children to be very much like the third grade sunday school I taught back home. Very engetic, but also very perceptive. However, their energy level is a bit higher than Calvary Chapel Sonora kids and instead of being able to work with that energy through dialog, the children chatter in a totally different language which means I can only fight against it, something that is very difficult for me and by and large uneffective. But still, I have high hopes for these kids and look forward to working with them further and understanding them. Also, the older kids were a joy to work with today, so the day really had a silver lining. Then again, to say it had a silver lining inferes the mainstay of the day was cloudy, and that just isn't so. Working with all the kids was wonderful. So if anything, the silver had a cloudy lining ^_^. I also talked with Jeremiah about my schedule. This is were I need alot of prayer. You see, even though there are some outreaches planned like the trip to surrounding chruches and having outreaches and evangelism in those areas (Please pray that goes well by the way), Most of my time for outreach is fairly open ended. Meaning that it is not planned. We know that we want to reach out to the city through english classes and camps, both to the young and old, but are still not really sure how exactly it is all going to work and where the our best opportunities are in reality. And what about other kinds of outreach and evangelism? So I also ask that you please pray for insight in this area. That we would see the needs and fill them. That God would speak to us powerfully about the English classes and about everything else. And that we would be able to use our time to its fullest potential. And the very last thing I would ask you all to pray about is the language barrier which, as always, is very apparent to me. Even though I am learning by leaps and bounds, just within today, I still find myself so utterly lost in the conversation of those around me and with the children. Please pray for a supernatural learning for me and an understanding beyond my years. Our Lord is good. And watches carefully over His children ^_^.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
P.S. On a lighter note, I found serveral very funny examples of Ingrish today. For those of you who don't know, Ingrish is a code word for a Japanese use of English for the sake of style on billboards and shop sign, but the English doesn't quite look right to a native speaker or doesn't make any sense at all ^_^. Take, for example, a hair salon I ran into today that proudly proclaimed its name "FACE HAIR"! Probably a misunderstanding of the difference between the words of face and head or maybe even it meant to say your hair will compliment your face, but funny none the less ^_^. Or the shop "GOOD SAND" which I found didn't sell sand at all but sushi. I don't think Ingrish will ever cease to amuse me ;D.
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