Hello and many greetings to you my spiritual family!
This is Alex Robinson again writing from Tokyo and pleased as punch to be doing so ^_^. Things here have been going very well but very fast. It seems as soon as I get my head out of the water to catch my breath, another two weeks has gone by and I am writing you again. Sometimes it is hard to believe how busy it can get over here. Everybody on staff is going all out all the time and it seems as though I am doing the same ^_^. You see, because there are so few people really a part of ministry here, everyone has to take on many different roles. Pastors are counselors, teachers, administrators, janitors, repairmen, cooks, English teachers, worship leaders, garbage men, and everything in between. And the rest of staff fills in the gaps as best they can. Sometimes stepping back from the whole situation, it's weird to see how uneven everything is. There is so much opportunity for ministry and evangelism here, so many places that even I, with my limited perspective of this place, can see such need. But there are almost no workers for this harvest… I guess it's the same in every ministry. But here, with the heart God has given me for Japan, it hurts so much. I want to do so much more than I am, but I don't think I can… not at the same time. Please pray for me in this. Pray that God would give me perspective and guidance as to which ministries He wants me to take part in now, which ones he wants me to take part in later, and which ones he doesn't want me to be in at all. Also, please pray for the church here. Pray that more workers would come and that God would begin to work His wonders through them. I thank you for your prayers already in these things and for me. Please know that even now, I have been truly blessed by the prayer cover from the saints there. God has been working all around me, through me, and within me to make me into the man and servant I should be for this mission. And has even been giving me more patience when it comes to missions work here, which is essential for missionary survival in Japan ^_^!
Speaking of ministry opportunities, there are a few in particular that I would really like you to pray about. Recently, my schedule changed a little bit. I am now spending the entirety of my Fridays over in Setagaya. If you don't remember from my last letter, Setagaya Horizon Chapel is our small sister church that was started a little less than two years ago in a very unreached area about thirty minutes by train from here. Not too much has been happening in the way of outreach there so far, but the church there has been growing in both the English and the Japanese Fellowships. Fortunately for me, there are two outreaches there that just are just starting or are about to start that I am can be a part of. The First is an Bible English Class.
Now you may be thinking "Al, you got it wrong. It's an English Bible Class." But they are a bit different. A Bible English class is one in which we offer an English Class to those that want to learn. But instead of using some kind of text book we use the bible. We read the bible, translate the bible, discuss the bible, and then teach English through the bible. We simply talk about what words mean and how sentences in English work, and don't directly evangelize because it might scare off students. However, as we all know, "the Word of God is living and active… Sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow." (Hebrews 4:12) Eventually the students have questions about what they are reading. And this gives great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them. The class is just starting, so it is a bit small still. Please be praying for this ministry, that God will open up more and more opportunities through this class. But the other outreach, which God Has on my mind most often, is a ministry called Funky Friday.
When I came here last year, Funky Friday was already in full swing. I believe they have this outreach back in the states somewhere. But here, it was sort of just a night of fun things to do where people could invite their co-workers and friends. It was really a awesome night and God used me in it a lot the last time I was here. However, the Bible College student who was running it, Sho San, left and is now a pastor in Los Angeles. This left my friend Daichi in charge of it. However, he didn't understand the concept that well and soon it turned into a small Christian Fellowship time. This is fine, but Daichi has told me that he wants to re-make Funky Friday to be an outreach again. So we prayed about it a lot and think we know a bit more what it should look like. We are going to be starting it all up in November and I will keep you up to date with everything that is happening there.
Anyway, there is a lot happening in children's ministries and Shine Kids here. But I'll have to save that for another time. I pray that you are all well and hope to hear from you when you get the chance that I may know what to pray for there.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
P.S. Also, we have several big outreach events coming up this month. It is amazing how many people in our church are classically trained in music. So we are having two concerts that are coming up fast. Also we are having a horizon Café. It's going to be kind of like a festival in the Church and everyone in the Community is invited. And Lastly we are having a masquerade party for kids in the area at the end of the month. Please bathe these events in prayer that the Lord would use them how He wishes for His kingdom. Thank you.
This is Alex Robinson again writing from Tokyo and pleased as punch to be doing so ^_^. Things here have been going very well but very fast. It seems as soon as I get my head out of the water to catch my breath, another two weeks has gone by and I am writing you again. Sometimes it is hard to believe how busy it can get over here. Everybody on staff is going all out all the time and it seems as though I am doing the same ^_^. You see, because there are so few people really a part of ministry here, everyone has to take on many different roles. Pastors are counselors, teachers, administrators, janitors, repairmen, cooks, English teachers, worship leaders, garbage men, and everything in between. And the rest of staff fills in the gaps as best they can. Sometimes stepping back from the whole situation, it's weird to see how uneven everything is. There is so much opportunity for ministry and evangelism here, so many places that even I, with my limited perspective of this place, can see such need. But there are almost no workers for this harvest… I guess it's the same in every ministry. But here, with the heart God has given me for Japan, it hurts so much. I want to do so much more than I am, but I don't think I can… not at the same time. Please pray for me in this. Pray that God would give me perspective and guidance as to which ministries He wants me to take part in now, which ones he wants me to take part in later, and which ones he doesn't want me to be in at all. Also, please pray for the church here. Pray that more workers would come and that God would begin to work His wonders through them. I thank you for your prayers already in these things and for me. Please know that even now, I have been truly blessed by the prayer cover from the saints there. God has been working all around me, through me, and within me to make me into the man and servant I should be for this mission. And has even been giving me more patience when it comes to missions work here, which is essential for missionary survival in Japan ^_^!
Speaking of ministry opportunities, there are a few in particular that I would really like you to pray about. Recently, my schedule changed a little bit. I am now spending the entirety of my Fridays over in Setagaya. If you don't remember from my last letter, Setagaya Horizon Chapel is our small sister church that was started a little less than two years ago in a very unreached area about thirty minutes by train from here. Not too much has been happening in the way of outreach there so far, but the church there has been growing in both the English and the Japanese Fellowships. Fortunately for me, there are two outreaches there that just are just starting or are about to start that I am can be a part of. The First is an Bible English Class.
Now you may be thinking "Al, you got it wrong. It's an English Bible Class." But they are a bit different. A Bible English class is one in which we offer an English Class to those that want to learn. But instead of using some kind of text book we use the bible. We read the bible, translate the bible, discuss the bible, and then teach English through the bible. We simply talk about what words mean and how sentences in English work, and don't directly evangelize because it might scare off students. However, as we all know, "the Word of God is living and active… Sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow." (Hebrews 4:12) Eventually the students have questions about what they are reading. And this gives great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them. The class is just starting, so it is a bit small still. Please be praying for this ministry, that God will open up more and more opportunities through this class. But the other outreach, which God Has on my mind most often, is a ministry called Funky Friday.
When I came here last year, Funky Friday was already in full swing. I believe they have this outreach back in the states somewhere. But here, it was sort of just a night of fun things to do where people could invite their co-workers and friends. It was really a awesome night and God used me in it a lot the last time I was here. However, the Bible College student who was running it, Sho San, left and is now a pastor in Los Angeles. This left my friend Daichi in charge of it. However, he didn't understand the concept that well and soon it turned into a small Christian Fellowship time. This is fine, but Daichi has told me that he wants to re-make Funky Friday to be an outreach again. So we prayed about it a lot and think we know a bit more what it should look like. We are going to be starting it all up in November and I will keep you up to date with everything that is happening there.
Anyway, there is a lot happening in children's ministries and Shine Kids here. But I'll have to save that for another time. I pray that you are all well and hope to hear from you when you get the chance that I may know what to pray for there.
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson ><>
P.S. Also, we have several big outreach events coming up this month. It is amazing how many people in our church are classically trained in music. So we are having two concerts that are coming up fast. Also we are having a horizon Café. It's going to be kind of like a festival in the Church and everyone in the Community is invited. And Lastly we are having a masquerade party for kids in the area at the end of the month. Please bathe these events in prayer that the Lord would use them how He wishes for His kingdom. Thank you.
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