Hello dear friends,
It is wonderful to be writing you all again. This Christmas season has been a very full time for me. Then again, it always is here at Horizon Chapel. We had many large events recently and not one of them was disappointing. In fact, all were filled with the fruit of God's labours here and were all so very encouraging to me.
Firstly, there was our big Christmas program on the 23rd. We had invited our shine kids to attend and also to perform in the program. Also we invited the Horizon Language School students. And so many of them came! It was great. They were able to listen to christmas songs and plays, and in the end the gospel was preached. Just a great feeling to see the work God has me doing open up opportunities for people to hear about Him. The funny thing about the night for me though was that in the program, the various groups and fellowships each did some kind of performance in the program. And because I am invloved with so many of them, I performed with quite a few of them which had me going on and off the stage all night. Which wouldn't really be a problem if all the different groups didn't have distinct outfits for their performances. So along with jumping on and off the stage, I also was always running to the bathroom to change between sets ^_^. Anyway, it was a great night. Lots happened and I am excited to see what fruits come of it.
Another big event was our Lady's Elegant Christmas. It is an outreach to the women we minister to in our various programs, English classes, and fellwoships, as well as an oportunity for women in our church to invite their friends to a church event. It was really kind of a hectic day. I was on the cooking team, which accounted for most of the hustle and bustle I experienced. Lot of cooking and soups and baking and this is burned and this needs salt. But it was fun in its own way and it was really worth it considering all the great things I got to see that night. Some mother's from my Shine Kids program in Setagaya came with their children which was just a huge thrill for me. They have been attending more and more church events and have in turn been hearing more and more about Jesus. Please pray for their hearts and that the seeds that are being planted would bloom. I know it is going to take alot of time but I am excited for how things are growing.
And then there were alot of other smaller events like the candle light christmas eve service, and the Funky Friday Bonen Kai (end of year party), that were really blessings and saw some people that have been searching and we haven't seen in a while return to us. Pray that those who have returned to us would remain and continue to search for God with us and that our relationships would be blessed.
But anyway, I am on the other side of all these things now and I praise God for the blessings He gave to me this christmas. Now I am able to look forward to some good times with friends and loved ones before I ramp up for the new year. I am so ready for what God has for me next! HYAAAH ^_^!!!
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson.
It is wonderful to be writing you all again. This Christmas season has been a very full time for me. Then again, it always is here at Horizon Chapel. We had many large events recently and not one of them was disappointing. In fact, all were filled with the fruit of God's labours here and were all so very encouraging to me.
Firstly, there was our big Christmas program on the 23rd. We had invited our shine kids to attend and also to perform in the program. Also we invited the Horizon Language School students. And so many of them came! It was great. They were able to listen to christmas songs and plays, and in the end the gospel was preached. Just a great feeling to see the work God has me doing open up opportunities for people to hear about Him. The funny thing about the night for me though was that in the program, the various groups and fellowships each did some kind of performance in the program. And because I am invloved with so many of them, I performed with quite a few of them which had me going on and off the stage all night. Which wouldn't really be a problem if all the different groups didn't have distinct outfits for their performances. So along with jumping on and off the stage, I also was always running to the bathroom to change between sets ^_^. Anyway, it was a great night. Lots happened and I am excited to see what fruits come of it.
Another big event was our Lady's Elegant Christmas. It is an outreach to the women we minister to in our various programs, English classes, and fellwoships, as well as an oportunity for women in our church to invite their friends to a church event. It was really kind of a hectic day. I was on the cooking team, which accounted for most of the hustle and bustle I experienced. Lot of cooking and soups and baking and this is burned and this needs salt. But it was fun in its own way and it was really worth it considering all the great things I got to see that night. Some mother's from my Shine Kids program in Setagaya came with their children which was just a huge thrill for me. They have been attending more and more church events and have in turn been hearing more and more about Jesus. Please pray for their hearts and that the seeds that are being planted would bloom. I know it is going to take alot of time but I am excited for how things are growing.
And then there were alot of other smaller events like the candle light christmas eve service, and the Funky Friday Bonen Kai (end of year party), that were really blessings and saw some people that have been searching and we haven't seen in a while return to us. Pray that those who have returned to us would remain and continue to search for God with us and that our relationships would be blessed.
But anyway, I am on the other side of all these things now and I praise God for the blessings He gave to me this christmas. Now I am able to look forward to some good times with friends and loved ones before I ramp up for the new year. I am so ready for what God has for me next! HYAAAH ^_^!!!
Yours in our Lord with all sincerity,
Alex J. Robinson.