Hey everyone,
Just wanted to write you all a quick note to tell you that I am fine and that I made it to japan safely and that I am pleased as punch to be here ^_^. I really have hit the ground running. The night I arrived was the children's ministries annual sleepover event. It was really great to see all my students again so soon after my arrival and we all had a wonderful time. Stayed up til' about midnight eating yaki soba (a delicious form of pan fried noodles with veggies), bowling, and watching movies. The next day, I woke up (unfortunately) and the bright and early hour of 4:30 thanks to my close and personal friend jet lag. So I walked around Machida a little and reaquainted myself with my city before the kids woke up. Although it was a weekday, monday was a national holiday for us. So once the children got up, we started the day off with devotions and pancakes and then were quickly off, going to the annual church picnic, which annually follows the annual children's sleepover... annual ^_^. I had a great time and got to see alot of my friends from the english service. So much fun. Spent the whole day talking, eating, playing soccer, feeding coi, and living it up ^_~! So anyway, now I am here. It is tuesday morning, there is shine kids today, and aside from a slight fatigue, the day is really looking up. Please pray for my Japanese though. Not speaking it for a month did more damage to me than I expected. Tough to get back into it.
Anyway, must dash. Love you all and miss you already.
Because He lives,
Alex J. Robinson
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