Our Last Missions Blog


Dear friends,

15 years ago God called me to take a step of faith and to trust that he would do something that was impossible. To trust that he would make a way through the waters. Much as he had made a way for the children of Israel through the waters of the Red Sea, he called me to trust the he would make a way through the Pacific Ocean to Japan. And at that time I trusted him. And he made a way for me. He cleared visas and provided all I needed to go. He took me from my small California town to the heart of Tokyo. And during my time here, he always made a way for me. And though I came alone, the Lord blessed me and added to me, and my family of one became a family of 6. And even with 6 (which is a big number for Tokyo) He still made a way.

Last year, when he called me to take a step of faith, stepping out from the church I had served for all of my time here, little did I know that he was going to make a way through the waters again. Perhaps I should have known when he asked me to step out before I saw the way, much like the children of Israel stepped out before the Jordan parted. But I had no clue at the time.

During the last months at Horizon we had been in contact with many people and groups, prayerfully seeking wherever God would send us whether here in Japan or abroad. Among them was a group called Poimen ministries (a group that serves churches in many ways, one of which being connecting pastors with churches that need them.) We had been contacted by a pastor of Poimen ministries who was interim pastoring Calvary Chapel Bemidji, Minnesota. The church was looking for a senior pastor and we had interviewed with him and the elders there a couple times. It was a blessing to talk to them and my wife and I were encouraged and refreshed by our conversations.

Our last day at Horizon came and went, still without any open doors. Our foot was coming down but the waters had yet to move. A way was yet to appear. But then, the very next day we were contacted again from Calvary Chapel Bemidji and asked if we would have one last interview. And so the first day of the new year found us speaking with them one last time and only days later the word came that we were being invited to come for a long weekend to visit the church and meet with the leadership. We couldn’t believe it and wondered at it greatly. But it was a clear call to bring our feet into the waters. To put our weight into the step and see what God would do. And as we prayed about the trip we prayed that whatever God was going to do, we would be able to be as much of an encouragement and refreshment that weekend as they had been to us.

The beginning of February found my wife and I with little Olive in Minnesota, arriving on the coldest day the interim pastor had experienced in his time there, with temperatures hitting -25 degrees. But whatever cold we experienced there was outmatched by the warmth and passion of the church body there. We were blessed to find that they were a group of people dedicated to the study of the word who spoke from the heart and loved one another greatly. Our time there was short but very sweet. And we left with a sense that whatever God had wanted to do had been done that weekend. But with no idea of what would have come of it or where we would go next. But then, to our amazement and great joy, God opened the way.

The elders of the church, after a week of prayer, decided to receive me as pastor Calvary Chapel Bemidji.

15 years after He had done it before, God has done it again. He has made a way through the waters of the pacific. For me and for the family he has given me in my time here.

While I write this we are in the midst of cleaning out our house, applying for a visa for Tomoko, and getting everything in order to leave. I am going to be making a two week visitation to Calvary Chapel in April and from June 1st I am going start pastoring Calvary Chapel Bemidji. My family will follow as soon as Tomoko’s Visa goes through. We ask that you join in prayer with us that the visa would be cleared with supernatural speed and favor as he cleared visas for me before. We also ask that you would pray for this next season of my family’s ministry as well, that we would see his hand working there as we have seen it here.

Accordingly, this will be my last missions blog. I want to thank you all for your time, support, and prayers. We are so grateful and blessed that we were given the opportunity and honor to partner with you all in sharing the love of Jesus and his word in Japan. And while we are being moved into a new season of ministry, we continue to ask you to join us in keeping Japan in prayer that all these planted seeds would grow into a bountiful harvest and that kingdom would be enlarged here as in every other country in the world.

May you abound in the grace of Jesus Christ as you continue to be His witnesses to the world.

Much love,
Alex, Tomoko, Daisy, Caleb, Hazel, and Olive Robinson

1 comment:

  1. So cool!! <3 Thanks for sharing! Really love your journey.
