It is good to be writing you.
Firstly, I wanted to thank you all again for the time that we spent in America. It was a difficult time for us when my mom passed away. However, the way that God brought our friends, family and church alongside us during our time there and the countless acts of mercy and grace that we received through the people there were a great comfort to us. There is no way that we can begin to show our gratitude to you all. All we can say is that we love you all very much and we experienced God's love through you.
As soon as we returned from America, the Shine Kids Semester started. It was great to see all the kids again. While we were gone we received emails from all the parents of the Shine Kids sharing their condolences and their assurance that they would be waiting for us to return. When we got back and started Shine Kids again, all the kids came back and brought friends. We are having a great semester so far, even making some new additions to the program. But I feel that through all that has happened, God has strengthened the relationship between us and the kids and moms we are ministering to. And we are so grateful to God for what He is doing in the Shine Kids Ministry.
Upon our return, the Shine English Language School also opened for the first time. Immediately, God brought in new students and little by little the week is filling up with classes. Since we got back, we gave 11 trial lessons and all of the students want to continue on a regular basis. We have 7 more people that signed up for trial lessons this week. Please pray for these students to continue. So far the classes have been great and the conversation times have been blessed. Please pray that God would use this new type of class to open doors to deeper relationships and more opportunities to share about Him.
We have started our preparations for the VBS this summer. The name of our VBS is going to be Discovery Labs. It will be a science theme, sort of discovering God through His creation. We are blessed to be having a team of 12 from the Anaheim Free Methodist Church coming to help us with the VBS. Having Daniel Britt here as well, that makes the number of Americans helping out 13 which is awesome. Please pray for helpers from the Japanese side as well. Last year we had many Japanese volunteers and staff. This year some of our staff have moved away and others started new jobs which makes them unable to commit large amounts of time to prep for the VBS. Please pray that God would provide new Japanese helpers and all the staff we need for this year's VBS.
I believe that is all the news for now. Thank you all for your prayers and support. We miss you all greatly.

Alex, Tomoko, Daisy, and Baby Boy Robinson
P.S. At our last trip to the doctor, we found out that we are going to be having a baby boy. Daisy is excited about her little brother. She is practicing with the baby carrier with her baby doll.
Dear Alex and Tomoko, and Daisy, thank you for the wonderful update! I continue to be so excited for you guys and the Ministry that you are having there. We are praying for you and the impact of your lives in Jesus, that you have on all there. Alex, it's been so much fun watching your journey since you were just a little guy, and the way that the Lord has prepared and directed your path to be where you are today. Your family is a blessing to us all. So very excited for this little boy that will soon be joining your family. We love you, and we pray for you. Love Adrian and Faye Wise