I want to say sorry ahead of time as this blog is going to be a little picture heavy.

The first full day that they were here, they worked alongside Daniel and I and the rest of the Japanese members to finish decorating the church for the VBS the following day.

Over all, it was a great VBS. I was blessed to see all the Shine kids there just experiencing God's love through the Japanese and American Christian leaders at the event. I know that there were seeds planted and we will continue to pray that those seeds will grow and blossom in the years to come. It was a very encouraging time for me as well, to see everything that we have been preparing for be blessed by God is such a big way. I look forward to all that God is going to do through this year's VBS. And can't wait to see what God will do through next year's team as well (wink wink EPIC! Lord willing.) Please be praying as we continue to minister to the kids and families in the wake of the VBS.
The next week, the Anaheim team, along with Daniel and myself, repainted the Sunday school room which was in bad need some repairs and a new coat of paint. We worked all morning on it and got it done in time to do a little sightseeing.
The next day was the day of our three day Horizon Family Camp. The Anaheim team lead the kids program for the three day, while I translated along side them. I was even given the opportunity to share at one of the devotional times which was a real privilege. It was a great time of fellowship as well, staying up late, hanging out with the Anaheim team and the Japanese college kids.

out the next day. We will miss them and hope that they come back soon. They were a huge encouragement and a blessing to spend time with
We spent the weekend with Daniel and even got to introduce him to Tomoko's family as they were all getting together that Saturday. He talked computers with my programmer brother-in-law and spoke English with my other brother-in-law who is studying it in college and they enjoyed their time with him very much.
Then, this last Monday morning, we said goodbye to our friend Daniel Britt as he caught the 7:00 bus to Narita Airport. He spent four weeks with us and hung in their through a bit of a crazy schedule. We were blessed to have him serve with us in all the different events and are thankful for his willingness to jump into a lot of different roles while he was here. The college students and kids he taught will miss him, not to mention my little girl Daisy who is crazy about her Uncle Daniel.
Thank you for sending him to us.
Well, I think that is all for now. Please be praying for us as the doctors say that our little boy could be born at any time now. Thank you always for you prayer and support. We love you and are praying for you guys.
Alex, Tomoko, Daisy, and Baby Robinson