Dear friends,
In the aftermath of the earthquake an tsunami's, many of you have asked as to how you can aid Japan in this time. Many of your have asked if I know of Christian Relief organizations that are at work in japan now and also about the possibility of care packages. Also you have asked about the specific prayer needs of Japan in this time. I will do my best in this letter to answer these questions for you.
Firstly, lets talk about Christian organizations at work in this country. The one I know the best is the organization CRASH. This stands for Christian Relief, Assitance, Support, and Hope. It is run by one of the missionaries that I have worked with in the past. He loves the Lord, has a heart for Japan, and has served here for the last 25 years. They have served in disaster areas throughout asia and have been prepared for serving in the relief effort for a Japanese disaster for quite some time. They are responding to this crisis even as we speak. If you are lead to give financial support or wish to volunteer in the Relief effort, I would like to direct you to there website which is http://crashjapan.com/.
Some have spoken about sending care packages here to aid those I know in the disaster area. I have spoke with my church in tokyo and they have said they would be most grateful if such care packages were sent. Currently, they have said they are in need of non perishable items such as Toilet paper, Cans of meat and vegetables, Rice, lighters, batteries, candles, flashlights... the bare essentials. They have said that they would distribute the items to those in need in the church and the people they minister to there, including the Horizon Language school and Shine kids classes of which I have previously spoken to you about. For those of you interested please send any packages to
Tokyo Horizon Chapel
C/O Kevin Song
4-19-5 Haramachida
Machida, Tokyo 194-0013
Lastly, many of you have asked about prayer needs during this time. People here have composed a prayer list that I think is suitable for a base guide to go through as you pray for Japan. But before I give you the list, I want to ask most of all that you pray for God to reveal himself to Japan through this. We have been praying for a revival to come to Japan for a long time now. And I believe that God has spoken to me that this Revival would come before the day of the Lord. If this is His time for this, pray that this would be and that anything in its way would crumble. And please pray for me, as God has not yet revealed what role I am to play in all this. Thank you for you prayers and love. I pray that this day would find you enjoying the presence of God, sharing fellowship with your Savior and Lord. Because one thing we can learn from all this is that we are not promised tomorrow.
Prayer List for Japan:
Trapped Victims - Even now, they are working around the clock to unearth those trapped under the rubble.
Relief Efforts - That insight, wisdom, and strength would be given to the Relief Workers.
Government Workers - That they would be able to organize the rescue efforts and rebuilding.
American Military - Many members of the churches here, soldiers stationed in Okinawa, have left to help in the relief.
Food - Many don't have it.
Elderly - This is a difficult time for them.
Children - Many have been orphaned. Many are scared and need God's comfort.
Damaged Buildings - Many of the structures have been compromised.
Refuge shelters - Difficult to maintain enough of them and workers to manage them.
Electricity Restored - There are going to be scheduled blackouts all throughout tokyo, and many areas in Japan don't have any power.
Contact with families - Communications are down in most areas. And in the destruction, many cannot locate their families.
Warmth from the Cold - Japan even now is still very cold.
Aftershocks - My friends have told me they are still experiencing them.
Rebuilding - That once this crisis is over, they would be able to rebuild, that the whole nation could have a foundation not only of bricks and concrete, but of a belief in Jesus.
Clean up
Boldness For Believers - That they could outreach to the survivors and give them the only surety anyone can have. Jesus.
Translators for emergency workers
Financial Aid
Fearful People
Travel availability - many planes and trains are intermittently out of service. Some permanently.
Nuclear power plants - That they will stabilize, there is a unstable plant within contamination radius of my church in Tokyo.
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