Very good to be writing you all again.
We were blessed recently to have Lane and Cindy Wettengel come and visit us. Though they came just in time to experience the two worst blizzards to hit Toyko in the last twenty years consecutively, they rolled with it and despite all that, it turned out all right ^_^. It was a great time of fellowship and encouragement, especially the time when we were able to welcome them into our home. I think the one that enjoyed it the most was our little girl Daisy, From the first day they came, Daisy couldn't stop smiling and squealing. And when they eventually moved on to stay in Yokohama, Daisy kept looking around for them for the next three days. Haha. But what meant the most to us was the message that they carried with them. The message that we are not alone and not forgotten. That we are thought about and prayed for in the church. And in seeing the cards and gifts they brought with them, some from people that we have not even met yet, I was just so overwhelmed by how amazing the family of God is. Even though I am here, separated by an ocean, my family stands with me. Also hearing about the growth of the church there and the explosion of home fellowships at Calvary Chapel Sonora was so encouraging and gave us something that we can stand with you in prayer about. We are so grateful to Lane and Cindy for coming and spending time with us, and we are so grateful for you all. It is such a amazing grace that we have been experiencing. And remember, our doors are always open to those who want come and serve. Just ask Lane and Cindy, we take good care of our guests ^_~. Haha.
Thank you for your prayers for Shine Kids. This semester has been a little hectic. As I
There has been a new development in the Kids Brown program in Setagaya as well. The staff has decided to stop using the current curriculum, and now wants to start another Shine Kids club there in Setagaya. Up to this point I have only been assisting in the classes in Setagaya, but they have asked me to take leadership of the classes there. We will be starting the new club from April, so please be praying for preparations in this next month. We are hoping that with the start of this new Shine Kids, we can begin to do more events together with both of the English clubs from the two locations, even praying about doing a home-stay in America with some of the kids. All in the planning stages right now, so please pray for leading and wisdom in the time that is to come.
Thank you for praying for the Wednesday night bible study. We are still working our way
through the book of Deuteronomy, and God has been faithful to speak to the group through the book. One blessing we have had is that recently the Filipino members of the international service have been coming regularly to the bible study, bringing their family members. We have some people that have been saved recently and some just coming back into church fellowship, So please pray for God's anointing on these times and that everyone would be blessed through these times.
Also, if you would please pray for teachers for the Sunday School of the International Fellowship, that would be appreciated. Two of our teachers are going to be moving away soon, leaving some gaps in the teaching rotations. I am trying to fill in with most of the classes, but I would also like to continue to be involved in the translation ministry at the English service. So please pray for wisdom and for workers in this area of the ministry.
We are praying for you all and thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Thank you,
Alex, Tomoko, and Daisy Robinson
Daisy really likes clapping her hands now and does it all the time when she is happy.